
Kids and Social Media – This Behavior Is EXACTLY What Parents Should Know About Social Media

We don’t believe that kids and social media need to happen too soon, and for good reason. Here’s what parents should know about social media, teens share what they are actually doing without their parents knowing!

Kids and Social Media - This Behavior Is EXACTLY What Parents Should Know About Social Media

I recently stumbled across this post on Facebook from a teacher, he shed a whole lot of light on what teens are doing unsupervised on their social media accounts. EVERY PARENT NEEDS TO READ THIS. Stuff is happening that I wouldn’t have thought of doing in my wildest dreams as a young teen, and social media access is making it super easy for kids to get into trouble, or for trouble to find them. Here’s what parents need to know about social media and their kids, some of these truths are despicable, yet necessary.

Your Kids and Social Media – Here’s What Parents Should Know About Social Media

Recently, an educator asked his junior high aged students to anonymously share some information about kids and social media. They were asked to finish the sentence, “What my parents don’t know about social media is…” and the results were astounding. Read on to see what these 9th graders say they’re doing on various social media sites. It is SICK.

This is what your kids are doing online

First up, parents should know that there is nudity galore and heavy bullying both being sent and received.



Kids and social media – they resort to using it when bored.


Some parents don’t even know that their kids have social media profiles.


It’s easy for kids to buy drugs and other paraphernalia on social media.


Things that are said on social are often deleted before parents can see it.



What parents should know about social media is that their kids sneak to use it.




Some kids on social media have secret accounts and hide what they’re doing from their parents.



In my humble opinion, kids and social media are an unnecessary mix. The world is moving too fast these days, and until they are old enough to be able to make the best possible decisions, this is a no-go in my household. My ex actually wants to get my almost 11-year-old a smartphone, and I asked him “FOR WHAT?” I’ve still not received a response, FYI.

If you do allow your children to use social media, please make sure you lay out the rules and expectations, and know that you, as a parent, have the right to check in on them whenever you feel like it. Parents monitoring social media are the smart ones, in my opinion.

Here’s what parents should know about their kids on social media

Please share this post about what parents should know about social media and their kids, it is so important to be aware! Many parents do not want to believe that their precious child could be one of the ones who are sexting, sending/receiving nude photos and videos, bullying or being bullied, communicating with possible predators, having inappropriate internet relationships, and other social media concerns for parents, but it’s time to open your eyes.

Be aware, engage with your children, and communicate thoroughly about the dangers of social media and what behavior you expect out of them. We’re sending a huge thanks to Skipper Coates for sharing these responses from his students! Also, if you’re an educator or out of school time professional, there are great professional development conferences for higher education that cover these and other important youth topics.

Do you allow or monitor your child’s social media accounts?

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