It is important to get rid of all expired medicines, but don’t just throw them away! We’re partnering with Know Your OTC’s to share how to dispose of expired over the counter medicine safely.
I don’t know about you, but I literally never think to clean out my medicine cabinet. Even when I am looking for acetaminophen for a headache, or an antihistamine or cough suppressant for a cold, I’ve made myself get into the habit of checking the expiration dates on the bottles. This means that I have been disposing of lots of OTC medicines as of late, and I am glad to be able to purge!
Purging can be a good thing, but I can’t just toss these bottles in the trash can. It is very important to get rid of your medications safely to prevent accidental or intentional misuse. Nearly 50% of adults throw their unwanted medicines in the trash, and only a small amount of us actually take the necessary precautions before tossing them! You can learn how to dispose of expired over the counter medicine to keep your family and pets safe.
How to Dispose of Expired Over The Counter Medicine Safely In 3 Steps
Please make sure to NEVER throw them in the trash can, here’s how to get rid of your medications safely in 3 easy steps, according to the FDA:
1. Mix medicines (do not crush tablets or capsules) with an unpalatable substance such as kitty litter or used coffee grounds.
2. Place the mixture in a container such as a sealed plastic bag.
3. Throw the container in your household trash.
Please watch the 3 steps to safe disposal video below put together by the Know Your OTC’s team, it is very important to understand how to safely dispose of your over the counter medications! Myself and some other members of the KYOTC ambassador crew contributed to this video, I hope it is informative and fun to watch!
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This post is sponsored by CHPA/Know Your OTC’s, opinions are those of Honey + Lime.
I have some cortisone cream in packets that have not been open. Can I safely throw them in the garbage.