It’s Star Wars time! The stunning Felicity Jones plays Jyn Erso in Rogue One Star Wars movie. Her character is strong, resourceful, self reliant, and absolutely amazing!

photo: Louise Bishop/Mom Start
The super sweet and lovely actor Felicity Jones plays Jyn Erso in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and she was both stunning and bad ass all at once! We got the chance to interview Felicity and some of the other cast members at the Rogue One press day at Lucasfilm Headquarters, she was so happy to land the role in the amazing Star Wars franchise and had so much to say about her character Jyn.

photo: Jonathan Olley ©Lucasfilm LFL 2016.
Felicity Jones Plays Jyn Erso in Rogue One:Â Learning About Her Character
How she views her character – Jyn has a strong ideology, she hates the empire with a passion due to the fact that they destroyed the only family she knows. Jyn learns to be a leader after lots of struggle and isolation throughout her life, which she often struggles with. In order for her to learn to trust again, she teams up with the rebels to defeat a common enemy – The Empire.
The training Jones had to do to prepare for the role – Jones learned and practiced lots of acrobatic moves and visits to the gym. When she landed the role, she thought to herself, “thereâs gonna be a lot of training involved in this film so Iâd better get my a** to the gym!” This meant lots of early mornings, working closely with the stunt team, and tons of practice!
What Jones was able to contribute to her character – When it came to Jyn’s character, there was a very open dialogue about what she’d wear, and how she’d act. “The first [costume] suggestions were sort of this combat style, combat trousers and a kind of flack vest. I tried that and it didnât feel quite right and it didnât feel Star Wars enough.” The team discussed the style of the costume and decided to bring in a bit of Japanese marital arts style to it instead.Â
Some sort of reward after the hard life Jyn has had – There will be some sort of reward after such a hard life, but Jones could not reveal too many details! She says that after all that Jyn has gone through, her perseverance pays off and there is quite the feeling of justice.

photo: Film Frame ©Lucasfilm LFL
How Jones feels about being a part of the Star Wars franchise – Jones believes that Star Wars has been a favorite for so long because the overall theme is about family, relationships, and friendships created. “Whatâs so special about it is those friendships are across different races, different languages, but itâs people who come together and theyâre obviously united by fighting the forces of evil.  I think that’s what people, generations and generations, tap into those relationships and really empathize with those characters.”
Important take away for little girls – Jones thinks it’s important to show little girls that Jyn is not a privileged princess that most women in these types of films are made out to be. She’s an ordinary woman who’s has had to make the best of things. Jyn uses her resourcefulness and self reliance to get by. “Jyn isnât always sweetness and light and giggles, she is exactly who she wants to be.”  Another quote I loved, “Itâs like you can be whoever you want, whatever you are and take confidence in that and there isnât a standard that we should all be working towards.” I love this message!

photo: Footage Frame ©Lucasfilm LFL 2016
I loved chatting with Felicity, she was so sweet and really seems to be passionate about her character. Don’t miss Felicity Jones plays Jyn Erso in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story when it comes out in theaters December 16!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is in theaters December 16th!
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I attended a press trip courtesy of Disney. Travel, lodging and other logistics are provided, opinions are those of Honey + Lime.