Family Lifestyle Parenting

How To Auto Save Money For College For Your Kids: It’s As Easy As 1, 2, 3!


It is extremely important that parents have a college savings plan in place for each child. I am partnering with ScholarShare as an ambassador to tell you just how easy it is to start automatically saving for college, without batting an eye!



Look, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that it’s a MUST that you plan for your child’s college education. That’s probably why you’re reading this, no? A college degree is getting to be more and more of a requirement than an option like it has in years past, almost all of the job listings I’ve seen in the past few years demand that candidates hold one. In any field. From any college.


As costs rise year after year, it becomes much more of a priority to build up a college savings fund, and fast. No matter how old your kids are, the time to start is NOW! Any old savings account won’t do, I refuse to put my children in debt before they can even get a start in their adult lives, so I am doing as much as I can to save to be able to pay cash for my kids’ college education, offsetting future college costs. This is where our ScholarShare 529 College Savings Accounts come in, a tax free, high income yielding account with the good ol’ state of California.


ScholarShare California 529 College Savings Plan

One of the toughest parts for many of us is that we simply forget to save. We have so many other things going on, and that it can be hard to remember. My preschooler isn’t going to college for 14 years, right? Setting up your child’s 529 account with ScholarShare is really as easy as 1, 2, 3. In just 15 short minutes, you can get started and be well on your way to saving for your kids’ college education, without ever having to think about it if you don’t want to. ScholarShare’s 529 is such a smart and easy way to save, it takes only a minimum of $25 per month, you can literally set it and forget it! Here’s how it works:


How to Set Up Your Auto Saving College Plan: As Easy As 1, 2, 3!


1. Learn all about the plan, how it works, and the major benefits

Visit and learn all about the different ways you can use your 529 account. Over time, it will earn far more interest than a traditional savings account, and funds can be withdrawn tax-free when used for approved school costs: college tuition, room and board, books and supplies, transportation, and other personal costs and school related fees. With super low plan fees and tax benefits, you’re getting the best bang for your buck!

2.  Read through choose the best investments for your children

All of the money contributed to your ScholarShare 529 college account can be invested in 19 low-fee portfolios, all professionally managed with different investing objectives. Everyone has different investing goals and stages of life that they’re in, anyone of any age can open up a ScholarShare 529 account for college expenses. There are age based portfolios that make it easy to select a fund that is great for your risk level and situation.

3. Open your account and set up automatic contributions

Gather you and your child’s social security number, date of birth and valid home address and you’re ready to get started. Open up your ScholarShare account, one for each child, connect your bank account and make your first contribution, there is a $25 minimum each time. Make sure you set up automatic contributions for each account by clicking “Auto Contribute” and selecting the amount to add and the exact dates of withdraw. This way, you’ll never have to think about it, it will all happen behind the scenes! Change this at any time, easy peasy!


little girls kids graduating cap and gown

Stop by and open up your account today. It takes only $25 to get started, and I highly recommend the automatic contributions to be sure you’re consistently saving! My kids are 8 and 4 and college seems light years away. I hear that graduating elementary, middle school, and then high school creeps up so quickly, so it’s best to be ready for that next step! The sooner you start saving, the better prepared you’ll be.


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This is a sponsored post in part of a partnership with ScholarShare, all opinions are my own.


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