Kids Parenting

5 Myths of Baby and Toddler Brains: Early Learning Is Key!

How much do you know about the development of your child’s brain?


I have been reading to both of my kids since they were born, because I learned early on that it is super important to talk, read, and sing to your baby immediately. I always knew that I wanted my kids to be happy, healthy, and prepared the best they could be. Who doesn’t? I also figured that it was never too early to learn, but I didn’t really know the specifics… until now.



First 5 California, a parent and caregiver outreach program, teaches the important role that we play in our kids’ lives by offering family programs and services to help people succeed in school and in life. They have been around for 15 years and are full of resources for parents, kids, and even teachers. The reason for the name of the program is simple: 90% of a child’s brain is formed in the first 5 years of life. There are a bunch of myths out there, and First California 5 thinks it’s time that we invalidate them and set the record straight. Your involvement is so important!

Here are five interesting myths about babies’ brain development that I read about on First 5 California’s website.


MYTH #1. My baby is only eight weeks old. I don’t need to talk to her, because she can’t talk back.

Have you ever done this? I sure have, and I felt like I was insane doing it! It matters though, the more practice you have with something, the faster you learn, am I right? I would think that it’s the same with reading and vocabulary. My kids are thriving for their ages!

MYTH #2. Playing is just for kids.

It’s really not. I try to make it a point to play with my kids often. All of the interaction is stimulating to the brain, and kids are always learning and mimicking their parents. And seriously, how fun is it to get down on your hands and knees and pretend to be a cat, or a dog? We love pretend play!

MYTH #3. Brain development is a genetic thing. I have no control over it.

According to First 5 California, this is FALSE. Parents play such an important role in developing their child’s brain. Just think about the massive amounts of information they have to learn in just a short time. It makes it much easier to absorb with a talking, laughing, singing mom or dad to help out!

MYTH #4. Real learning starts when my child begins preschool.

So you mean to tell me that your kids learn to walk, eat, play, and LIVE all in preschool? Pshhh! I think about the amount of things my 3 year old can do, say, and understand and it’s insane that she’s only taken 3 years to do it! She’ll start official preschool next year and I know she’ll be more than ready.

MYTH #5. If you want a smart baby, you need to buy brainy toys, videos, flash cards and Mozart CDs.

I have never bought into these, but so many parents believe that they should buy all of these things to make their baby smart. I have a 1st grader who reads at a 3rd grade level and a 3 year old who distinctly knows all of her basic numbers, letters, shapes and colors. That didn’t come from nowhere.


YOU have the power to impact your child’s future!


I think about both of my kids and how advanced they are, and I really believe that it’s because we have taken the time to teach them at home since they were babies. Sometimes, I felt weird talking excessively to my infant, but I kept on it and I am so happy that I did!

In order to give your kids the best possible chance to learn, grow and flourish, you have got to know how they develop, and how you can further it! Many people believe that their children will learn at their own pace, which is predetermined by genetics. Parents and care givers play a huge role in the development of their baby’s brain, you have the power to help your child thrive! Talk. Read. Sing. Because it’s so important.

For more information, visit First 5 California online as a great resource for parents and caregivers to give their child the best possible start. There are tons of health and safety tips, educational resources, and fun activities and downloads for kids and parents alike. You can also connect and follow along with the First 5 California Facebook and Twitter pages. #talkreadsing


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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of First 5 California via Burst Media. The opinions and text are all mine.

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