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Fun Gifts For Expecting Parents: Ding Dong Diaper Ditch… You’ve Been #PAMPERed!

Looking for ideas for fun gifts for expecting parents? Diapers are always needed, so play “ding dong diaper ditch” and drop a box of Pampers at their door step!

Fun Gifts For Expecting Parents Ding Dong Diaper Ditch... You've Been #PAMPERed!


I am all about paying it forward, so I simply HAD to participate in this wonderful initiative that Pampers sent my way. I love hearing about different fun gifts for expecting parents, and this idea took the cake!

Ding Dong Diaper Ditch with Pampers diapers

Remember when you were younger and played ding dong ditch with the neighborhood kids? Although irritating to homeowners, this was one of my favorite games as a youngster and I was thrilled to play an adult-version! “Ding Dong Diaper Ditching” is the name, and I was so excited to participate and PAMPER a friend and neighbor of ours who is expecting.

Fun Gifts For Expecting Parents: Ding Dong Diaper Ditch

The ding dong diaper ditch has to be one of my favorite fun gifts for expectant parents. This awesome and anonymous gesture basically entails a drop of a box of diapers at the door of an expectant family, a knock at the door, and then… RUN! Pampers sent a box of diapers to my house and I did the job! I was alone, so I don’t have any good pictures of my top secret mission. I chose to do it early on Halloween night, that way, I knew that someone would be answering the door… but not to trick-or-treaters!

Wanna get in on the fun? Here’s what I did:

  • I put together a little letter about “Ding Dong Diaper Ditch” and placed it into an envelope. There, I also placed coupons for more Pampers diapers, which she can use or pay forward to another deserving mom. I tied ribbon onto the diaper box and put the envelope on it.
  • I scoped out a spot to hide so I could watch them open the door. It’s a wide open area, so I had to go pretty far.
  • Armed with my iPhone, I took a photo of the diapers at the doorstep, rang the doorbell and ran for my life!
  • I watched from the hiding spot, Dad answered the door, looked around a little bit, and saw the box. I love the confused, yet delighted look!

I felt all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that I helped another family out. I wonder if they’ll ever mention it. I didn’t put a name or any identifying information on the note, so they will have to play the guessing game!

Do you know an expecting family or a mom who recently gave birth? How about a family that really needs diapers? I encourage you to pay them a Ding Dong Diaper Ditch visit, it’s totally one of the best fun gifts for expecting parents and so gratifying to help out others. Pay it forward, let’s get this movement going!



Have you ever done a ding dong diaper ditch?

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Disclosure: Pampers provided me with the idea and the diapers to carry out this mission. I received no compensation.


    • It’s the thought that counts, right? I did not tell Pampers who I was giving them to so they did not know what size to send. I made the decision to give them to the expectant mom, I am sure she’ll be thankful regardless. I have a friend with 11 month old twins who needs them (they are already in a size 4) as well as the expectant mother I gave them to. Don’t worry, the diapers will be used!

      Honestly, I got a bunch of size NB, 1 and 2 diapers as gifts for my daughter when she was born and just one box of 3’s. Once she grew out of the smaller sizes, it was nice to have a box of size 3’s around to use. I actually had smaller sizes left over that I could no longer use, I ended up donating those.

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