DIY Crafts for Kids Kids

Fun Edible Science Project – Make Your Own Rock Candy!

Looking for a fun science experiment you can try at home with the kids? Try this idea – learn how to make your own rock candy that you can grow and actually eat!
 Learn how to make your own rock candy at home. This is such a fun science experiment to learn about the crystallization process - and so much fun to eat!
Have fun this summer and make your own rock candy. That’s right, an old fashioned rock candy! This science experiment is fun to make and fun to eat! The sucrose (table sugar) crystallizes forming rock crystals that you can eat, making this a sweet experiment to try at home.

Fun science experiment - make your own rock candy at home, love the colorsScience experiments at home: make your own rock candy

To get started you will need:

  • Yarn
  • Pencil or Butter Knife
  • Clean glass jar
  • Pan for boiling
  • Spoon
  • 1 cup of water
  • 3 cups of sugar
  • An Adult

The process of growing sugar crystals can take several days to a week.

Get Started!learn how easy it is to make your own rock candy
  1. To start to make your own rock candy, tie the yarn to the pencil or butter knife. Set the pencil or knife on top of the glass jar. Make sure that the string does not touch the bottom or the sides of the jar. The yarn should almost touch the bottom. If the yarn is too long adjust it by wrapping it around the pencil or butter knife. Remove the yarn from the jar.
  2. With an adults help, boil 1 cup of water.
  3. It is time to pour in the sugar. Be careful not to splash yourself with the boiling water! Stir the sugar in one teaspoon at a time. Add sugar until it begins to accumulate on the bottom and will not dissolve even with stirring. It is important to have the right amount of sugar. If your solution is not saturated the crystals will not grow quickly but if your solution has too much sugar, crystals will grow on the undissolved sugar instead of the yarn.
  4. If you want colored rock candy add a drop or two of food coloring.
  5. Pour the sugar solution into the glass jar. Avoid pouring any undissolved sugar into the jar.
  6. Place the pencil or butter knife carefully over the glass jar allowing the yarn to dangle in the solution.
  7. Set the jar in a place it will remain undisturbed. Place a paper towel over the top of the jar to prevent any dust falling into the liquid.
  8. Check on your crystals in 24 hours. You should see the beginnings of crystal growth on the string of yarn.
  9. Let the sugar crystals grow to a desired size or until growth has stopped. Pull out the string of yarn and allow the crystal to dry. Now you can keep them or eat them!

Isn’t this a fun experiment? I can’t wait to start eating ours. Make your own rock candy and have fun working on this project with your kids – watch the amazement on your child’s face when their rock candy starts to grow!

Have you ever made your own rock candy?

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