These DIY snack organizer bins in the refrigerator and snack bins for the pantry are a great way to instill toddler independence, allowing them to choose what snacks they want and when they want them!
Snack organizer ideas for the fridge and pantry
My twincesses are two and half years old and they are extremely active and energetic kids. Yes, I have not one but two toddlers going through the terrible twos! To say it is insane at my house is an understatement, I feel like I am constantly running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
DIY snack organizer bins
I suddenly came to the realization that if I am to survive this parenthood thing, I can’t do it all! The girls are becoming more independent every day, you know the drill, they want to put on their pants themselves and end up with both legs through only one of the pants legs. It drives me nuts, but I have come to realize it’s all a part of them growing up! They love to feel independent and it dawned on me that the more independent they are, the less there is on my plate. So bring it on!
Every day when I bring the girls home from school, I give them a snack while I cook dinner. If I give them cheese I hear… ‘cheese? I don’t want cheese mum’, sigh. and on and on until 20 minutes later they finally like the snack choice. Wouldn’t it be awesome if they could get their own snacks and I could get 20 minutes of my life back every day?
Refrigerator organization ideas that the kids can reach
I introduce to you the DIY snack organizer bins! All I did was add some of the girl’s favorite snacks to bins/baskets and change them out each week so they don’t get bored. Since some of their snacks are refrigerated and some are not. We have two bins one for the pantry and one for the fridge.
Here we have the fridge snack bin filled with yogurt, cheese sticks, strawberries, and grapes.
Placement is key. The girls have their very own shelf at the bottom of the fridge, so they can reach their snacks at any time.
Our snack bins for the pantry
I did the same thing in the pantry. We grabbed some containers to organize the girls’ snacks in the pantry and they can easily grab whatever they want to eat. Here we have applesauce, goldfish, fruit snacks, raisins, and crackers.
Their snacks are on the bottom shelf of the pantry. The other beautiful thing about snack bins is getting rid of the packaging. I have my pantry organized with bins, baskets, and canisters so I can immediately take my food out of the packaging and put it in its designated spot. It keeps the pantry organized and added bonus it’s prettier!
Now let’s put these snack bins to the test. Enter one little twincess…
Judging from this face…I would say our snack bins for kids are a big hit!
Happy twincesses = happy mum!
Sometimes it’s hard to let go of control as parents, but grow up they must! I hope you can incorporate these DIY refrigerator snack bins for your little ones.
What other ways do you foster your toddler’s growing independence?
This post was written by Keitha Moseley, who blogs at The Bajan Texan. She’s sharing her tips on raising her twin daughters, amazing DIYs, awesome ways to organize your home and life, delectable recipes and tips on managing a home. Follow along with her adventures!
Great idea Keitha! I just don’t want my kids snacking all the time, but I like the idea of them getting their snacks themselves easier, because I get tired of doing it all for them.
I love this idea. I need to find some snacks for my youngest and put them on his level. He usually runs to the pantry instead.
Awesome! Thanks for posting Deanna! My girls are really enjoying their new found independence!