dessert Food Recipes & Ideas for the Family

Homemade Blackberry Banana Frozen Yogurt

In the heat of summer, there is nothing like a cool, refreshing treat to beat the hot temperatures. My sister left some plain greek yogurt at my house, so I wanted to spruce it up a little. If you have ever had plain greek yogurt, it really. is. plain.

I thought to slice up some bananas and berries and make it a little breakfast treat, but why not go all the way and make it a healthy dessert? Popping it in the freezer was just the ticket, it turned out delicious! The best part: no ice cream maker is required! Also, only 4 ingredients are required to create this treat. Please, DO try this at home, such a creamy delight!


Homemade Blackberry Banana Frozen Yogurt

(adapted from this recipe)


  • 1 heaping cupĀ blackberries
  • 1 medium banana
  • 1 cup sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 cups plain greek yogurt


Make It!

Toss the all ingredients into a blender and blend on high speed until everything well blended, nice and creamy. Save a couple of blackberries for garnish, if desired.



Once you have blended all of the ingredients, transfer into a container that is freezer safe and has a cover. Freeze for about 2 hours for a frozen yogurt consistency, or longer if you want it to harden a bit more like ice cream. Serve and enjoy!



You can really put any fruits into this homemade frozen yogurt recipe to create your own favorite. My family loved it, hope yours does too!

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