DIY Crafts for Kids Family Home Decor Ideas

DIY Upcycled Planters with Frappuccino Plastic Cups

These DIY upcycled planters from Frappuccino plastic cups are so cute and are a really fun way to recycle and reuse plastic. Try this Starbucks frappuccino cup craft at home, a fun plant container idea!

DIY Upcycled Planters with Frappuccino Plastic Cups - a fun Starbucks cup craft

Upcycled plastic cup planters

The kids and I always enjoy a fun and educational project, especially when it comes to nature and the outdoors. Instead of buying a pot at our local gardens or thrift stores, we decided we would recycle some of the plastic cups we have been using.

What can I make a planter out of?

You can make planters out of so many different things! Some people use mugs, colanders, plastic bottles, cans, tea pots, bowls, buckets, and even rain boots!

Our latest is a product of my addiction to Starbucks and their frappuccinos. With the amount of grande and venti beverages I go through, we decided to repurpose our cups and make mini planters made with the upcycled frappuccino cups!

Upcycled Planters - use plastic cups as diy plant containers

DIY Upcycled Planters with Frappuccino Plastic Cups

There are many ways for upcycling plastic cups and we love a cute planter. This was such a fun and simple upcycled planter project – hands-on, educational, and actually pretty cute!

We picked up some colorful outdoor plants and a few potted herbs from our local home store and got to work. All you need are a few items and an eager child to get started…

Materials you’ll need for these DIY planter pots:

  • Assorted plastic frappuccino cups (or other plastic containers)
  • A small bag of Miracle-Gro potting soil
  • A few small indoor plants, I chose herbs and flowers

How to make Starbucks Cup Planters - cut drainage hole on the bottom

Prep your Starbucks cup planter

Start by thoroughly cleaning out the frappuccino cups and allow them to dry. With a knife, scissors, or another sharp object, pierce a small hole in the bottom of each cup to allow for drainage holes.

For safety reasons, an adult will have to complete this step, please do not have your child attempt this.

Ideas for plant pots - DIY Upcycled Plastic Cup Planters with soil dirt

Add the Miracle-Gro potting mix

Put a small layer of Miracle-Gro potting soil mix at the bottom of the cup, filling about 1/3 of the cup. Then place the desired plant inside and fill it with dirt around the plant’s roots. Make sure it fits the cup, you don’t want to trim it down or shove it in too tight and disrupt the roots.

Upcycled garden pots and garden container ideas

Add a little more soil to top off your DIY planter cup

Top your plastic cup planter off with a little bit more soil and give it a good watering. You now have your first mini upcycled planter! You can choose to plant herbs, flowers, and any other small plants that will fit in the cup. If your plants are short enough, you can put on the domed frappuccino lid and make a mini terrarium!

DIY Repurposed Planters with Starbucks Cups

Reuse your plastic cups to make cute little planters!

We hope you enjoy this plastic cup planter idea and think of some fun plants to add to yours! We might grab the smaller frappuccino cups and make some succulent planters next time.

If you love this Starbucks planter cup craft, there are many more fun ideas for planters and indoor herb garden projects like these that can be done with the kids. Be sure to grab a bag of Moisture Control Potting Mix for your planter project and have fun!

Do you have any other creative ideas for plant containers?

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