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25 Indoor Activities for Kids: Keep Them Busy Inside The House This Winter

These indoor activities for kids are perfect for snow days, rainy days inside, sick days, and any other time you’re staying home.

25 Indoor Activities for Kids - Keep Them Busy Inside The House

Super fun indoor activities

Are you cold yet? I can only imagine how frigid it has been in colder areas up north, no thanks! It’s a little more mild in San Diego, but we, too, have those days where we’d rather stay inside and do some of the best indoor activity ideas.

In order to keep the kids from going stir crazy, I’ve created a fun and cozy atmosphere at home by starting up our fireplace and preparing our plan of action (winter arts and crafts for kids are always a part of that plan)!

How to make a rainbow suncatcher craft, little girl glues tissue squares

25 Indoor Activities for Kids to do on a rainy day

If you’re like me and it’s snowing or raining out, you’ll do anything to avoid going outside and freezing your buns off! There are lots of wonderful things you can do, so try an indoor activity at home.

Instead of bracing the cold, stay warm and cozy with these family activities indoors for kids to help keep them occupied.

  1. Stay active with yoga for kids
  2. Play “Simon Says”
  3. Paint – get a giant roll of paper and go crazy!
  4. Have a (safe) pillow fight
  5. Jump on the bed- but be careful!Family friendly activities in Camarillo, CA - Playing Kerplunk
  6. Watch a fun movie
  7. Pull out the board games
  8. Have an indoor scavenger hunt
  9. Bake chocolate chip cookies
  10. Make music with pots, pans, and kitchen utensils
  11. Have a craft day – get tons of awesome craft ideas here
  12. Invite some friends over for a dance party
  13. Build an indoor pillow fort in the living room
  14. Play card games – uno is one of our favorites to play with the kids
  15. Sing some karaoke tunes – you’ll need this microphone!girl-toddler-rolling-playdoh
  16. Get creative and build something fun with Play-doh
  17. Play educational online games (age-appropriate)
  18. Read some of your old books
  19. Have a LEGO building contest – shop LEGO sets here
  20. Make marshmallow popshow-to-make-marshmallow-pops-on-a-stick-marshmallows-dipping
  21. Blow bubbles around the house – we love this bubble blower!
  22. Plant seedlings and create an indoor garden
  23. Blow up a balloon and play volleyball
  24. Do some fun indoor science experiments (love making slime, anyone?)
  25. Print out free coloring pages for all occasions

Enjoy your kids’ indoor activities!

There’s something about being at home that just evokes a warm, loving feeling. The sound of kids laughing, the taste of home-cooked meals – there’s just no place like home. Have fun with these indoor projects for kids!

What fun indoor activities for kids do you do at home?

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  • My kids are teenagers but my younger one still loves projects, just more sophisticated. He made a watering station for our cats from a recycled water bottle and old fountain pump. He loves to paint also, so we bought canvas and paint from Michaels and I have hung some of his art work!

  • This year for Christmas I bought alot of arts and crafts for my grandkids. We are making snow globes for Valentine’s right now.

  • I’ve kept my kids busy with books, crafts, a little tablet time, letting them help me in the kitchen.
    Thanks for the chance.

  • I did visit Glade online and I would like the Hawaiian Breeze® melts. To keep my kids busy we always had board games, a kids standing art easel with plenty of paints, markers, and chalks. My youngest of 6 are teens now…but funny the board games STILL come out for all of us, and now movies together. The trick is to get something to do TOGETHER! It’s a long time here in Wisconsin to be shut in for months. Activities are a MUST!

    I follow by way of email subscribe

  • We build lots of Legos, visit the library, read and watch movies. We also have a bounce house in the basement!

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