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These Printable Emoji Valentine Cards Are So Much Fun {And They’re FREE!}

You kids will LOVE these printable emoji valentine cards! They are so much fun to bring to school for classmates, you can print them out for free!

These Printable Emoji Valentine Cards Are So Much Fun And They're FREE | emoji valentineX emoji valentine's day cards | free valentine cards | online valentine cards |

These Printable Emoji Valentine Cards Are So Much Fun {And They’re FREE!}

My kids LOVE emojis, they’re cute, simple, and a fun way to add some flair to a message. My daughter is even going to have an emoji themed birthday party next month! When we discussed Valentine cards for school, we thought that some emoji Valentine’s Day cards would be so much fun. So I made some, and well, they ARE a ton of fun!

Printable emoji valentine cards from

Emoji Valentine’s Day cards

Print out these emoji valentines free, seriously! There are 4 designs with cute Valentine’s Day related sayings. Since I made these for kids, I made sure to save the embarrassment at school by making sure that there are no “I love you” or “Be mine” messages (these are the most popular emojis). Here is what these printable emoji valentine cards say…

Smiley face emoji: “You make me smile, valentine!
Heart eyes emoji:”I’ve got my eyes on you!
Crying laughing emoji: “Valentine, you’re so funny!
Cool sunglasses emoji: “You’re so cool, valentine

Materials needed:

free printable emoji valentine cards - Honey + Lime

Print out the emoji Valentine cards

Ok, so first you need to print out the free printable emoji Valentine’s Day cards PDF. There are 8 cards on each 8.5 x 11 sheet, so print as many as you need. Make sure you have the right amount of paper loaded in your printer and that it is set to print your online valentine’s cards in color.

Quick tips about printing these Valentines

Before you print the PDF file, DON’T FORGET to do a quick print preview to make sure the emoji valentines fit correctly. All printers are different, and some may cut off some of the edges around the cards. If you do see that this is happening, be sure to select the “scale to fit” option for Macs, or “fit to page” option or scale the percentage down for PC in the printer dialogue box (if not these two, look for a page scaling/fit to printable area section on your printer dialogue box). Once it fits correctly, go ahead and print!

Emoji Valentines day cards

I hope y’all can use these printable emoji Valentine’s Day cards, they are really cute with fun, non-sappy messages on them. If you’ve got emoji fans in your house, I am sure your kids will love these emoji Valentine’s Day cards like mine do! Enjoy, and have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

Super cute printable emoji valentines for kids

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